Kamis, 12 Februari 2015


In my opinion, all of people need refreshing. And do you know ... that alter ego is one exit way to make refresh up. Yup, alter ego which mean "the other I", will help us to express our wild think and feel free on that hehehe ...

How about me? Do I have an alter ego? Hmmm ... i don't really care about that, but sometimes i feel that i want to be someone different than what i am doing right now. In spite of, i often make my expression just flat and unfollow my alter ego at that time *ouch ... it's really really hard*. But on the other time, when i really bored with all about me, i will explode all of my wild think ... *Yeah i feel free...*

But please! Don't think, that to be someone with alter ego it's mean that we have no concern with people around us, and we can just act like what ever we want to be. May be some one that work in art will more comfortable to express their alter ego and they will get much more permission from people around them. But, how if we just being an ordinary people? Hehehe ... there will be so much obstacles. No matter what, sometimes we have to be different guys, and just relax with that ...

There are so many ways for us to express our alter ego without feeling guilty. For example, if we like writing, just be somebody else when you wanna be and write it on your story, and don't forget to make a wish that your story will get much attention from readers ... .hehehe

And for me, what i am doing right now *story writing in English/ joining this club* is being someone that i wish i was. So...do I being "the other I" right now? I don't know! I just enjoy my self right now and I feel very comfortable in it. Thanks BEC ... 

6 komentar:

  1. Yang penting alter ego ngga menjadikan kita sebagai pribadi yang buruk ya, Mbak.. :D

    1. Setuju banget Beby ...makasih banyak ya udah mampir ke blog ini :)

  2. Hallooo, Kak Dian. Ada info jalan-jalan gratis dan ada Grand Prize Mac Book Pro juga......

    Kesempatan untuk ikut ekspedisi Kalimantan bersama New Daihatsu Terios #Terios7Wonders.
    Dimulai dari Palangkaraya, Kruing, Pulau Kaget & Kandangan, Amuntai & Balikpapan, Samarinda, Tn. Kutai dan berakhir dengan melihat cantiknya pulau Surga, Maratua.

    Caranya, ikutan lomba blog "Borneo Wild Adventure"
    Untuk info lebih lengkapnya, http://bit.ly/terios7wonders2015

    Ayo ikutan Kak untuk kesempatan ini!
